domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

News: Egypt To Scan Ancient Pyramids With Cosmic Rays

For the first time ever, scanning technology’s been used on pyramids and the results are quite surprising. The preliminary results of the Scan Pyramids project indicate an anomaly in the 4,500-year-old Great Pyramid of Khufu that could uncover the secrets of other ancient Egyptian structures.

The project’s a collaboration between the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, Cairo University and the AHIP Institute, and aims to map millennia-old pyramids in Giza as well as discover hidden chambers and secret passageways.

Experts say the discovery paves the way for more groundbreaking research in ancient Egyptian studies.

Through infrared thermography and non-invasive cosmic rays, the two-week research found three hot stains on the eastern side of the Khufu pyramid. The heat radiating from the stone indicates an anomaly, although the reason behind the thermal differences remains unknown.

These irregularities continue to shroud these iconic monuments in mystery, but with the project continuing, it’s hope that more insights into pyramids, and indeed history, will be made. 

In my opinion, It's very interesting that they keep investigating ancient stuff like the pyramids and I'm amazed that over the years they've been discovering many things.

Oral Presentation and Self-evaluation

One of my weaknesses when I do an oral presentation is my confidence, I always get nervous and as a result I make some silly mistakes. Leaving aside some mispronounced words, the simple power point and the connection between the programs. However, we were the first group to present and I think it wasn't a bad presentation at all.

Joke podcast

Actually, I was trying to remember this joke "A kidnapper was dragging a child into the woods when the kid says, "Mister, these woods are really scary." The kidnapper says, "Yeah, I know. And I have to walk out all alone." But I kinda failed. 

I couldn't embed it, the link just doesn't work If I do it.

News: Toxic elements found in water weeks after Brazil’s mine disaster

The Brazilian government has labelled this scene an environmental catastrophe. After two dams burst at an iron ore mine, thick orange sediment is now washing into the ocean along the coastline. As much as 25,000 Olympic swimming pools’ worth of sediment has flowed more than 483 km.

Eleven people died in the disaster earlier this month. The Brazilian President has fined the mining company more than 44,000 pounds, but some believe that doesn't go far enough and protested in fishing boats.

The mining company Samarco has set up temporary barriers in an attempt to contain the mud flow and had been digging canals this week to guide the sediment out to sea.

Samarco says the mud isn't toxic, but biologists and environmental experts disagree. It has been more than a fortnight since the disaster and the long-term effects on the environment and the people who live there are yet to be fully understood. 

Is humour necessary?

Is humour necesarry? Humour is commonly present in our everyday life. It appears on television, radio, literature...etc. So there's no way that's just a simple coincidence. We all like humour and it has several benefits.

First of all, scientists have proved that we change psychologically when we laugh. We stretch muscles througout our face and body, our pulse and blood presure go up, and we breath faster, sending more oxygen to our tissues. In other words, laughter has the same benefits as a workout.

Secondly, scientists have justified too that laughter burns calories. They discovered that we burn aproximately more than 50 calories in 10-15 minutes.

What's more humor is good for difficult times where we have to deal with stressful situations. It promotes positive mood and helps to override negative emotions. It also helps to see the funny side in adverse situations.

In conclusion, I think It's pretty obvios why humour is necessary, it only has benefits and it makes us feel good as good as workout and it helps to relax in tough moments.

News: Adorable Peruvian Skateboarding Bulldog Broke a Guinness World Record

We all know that skateboarding dogs are probably the best type of videos on the Internet, but this one pooch goes one step further.

It is Guinness World Record Day and to celebrate, Otto the bulldog set a world record for the longest human tunnel traveled through by a dog on a skateboard.

The thrill-seeking pup in Peru took to his skateboard and sped through the legs of 30 people to successfully break the record. The four-year-old animal also shows his skills by cleverly shifting his weight on the board to navigate his way through the curvy obstacle course so that he doesn't bump into anyone's legs.

For his record-breaking achievement, crowds gathered to give Otto attention, and he seemed to be rather pleased with himself. 

In my opinion, all of these records are kinda funny because they're rather surprising. 

Beauty/Dorian Gray writing

It's pretty clear that a problem in our society is beauty, as a matter of fact masses want to be young forever. But not young mentally, only physically.

But for me beauty hasn't got an age, in other words, we can be elder and maybe someone would think that we're beautiful, so obviously beauty because there isn't a valid guide about "How to be beautiful?" that works out for everyone.Every each of us is capable of finding beauty in everything, beacuse beauty is only a matter of perspective, not age.

Finally, the Dorian's Gray issue is still present nowadays, many people take care of their look but in a obssessive way. However, that's useless because beauty can be found elsewhere it just depends on the viewer.

News: Turkey shoots down Russian warplane on Syria border

Russian President Vladimir Putin has spoken out to say the loss is a stab in the back delivered to them by accomplices of terrorists.

This footage reportedly shows Russian military helicopters searching for the pilot of a downed jet near the Syrian border. Both Turkish military officials and a Russian President Vladimir Putin have verified that the Russian warplane was shot down, although the reasons behind the incident are contradictory.

Turkmen commander Selleck says the jet was taken down after multiple warnings that it was violating their airspace. He says the pilots were retrieved dead after his comrades opened fire into the air. Here he shows a piece of parachute collected from the fallen.

The crew reportedly ejected from the plane before it crashed into the mountains of northern Latakia.

Putin confirmed that the plane was shot down over Syrian territory by an air-to-air missile from a Turkish F-16 aircraft. He adds that the pilots and planes were in no way threatening Turkey and were carrying out their duty to fight Islamic State. A Syrian military source said the incident is now under investigation.

Summary: The key to success? Grit

Angela Lee Duckworth left a very demanded job for a more demanding job: Teaching. So she teached maths to seventh graders, then she realized that some of the smartest students weren't doing well and some of the best performers didn't have the highest IQ. After several years of teaching Angela realized that they need a much better understanding of students and teachers and if we do well in studies and in life it depends on much more than IQ. 

Then Angela became a psychologist and in every study she asked herself the same question: Who is successful here and why?.After studying many situations one characterisitic emerged as a significant predictor of success: grit.
Grit is the perseverance to achieve long-term goals. Grit matters in everything, so school isn't a exception because according to a study she made, gritter students are more likely to graduate.

The problem is that nowadays we still don't know how to build grit. We know that talent doesn't make us gritty. Angela things that the best way to build grit in kids (so far) is "growth mindset" which means that the ability to learn isn't fixed that it can change with effort. So basically, she means that the key to success is being gritty and we can achieve it with effort.

News: Anonymous declares war on ISIS


French hackers from the activist group Anonymous have declared war on the so-called Islamic State after the Paris attacks.

In a video posted on YouTube, a representative wearing a hood and the group's distinctive Guy Fawkes mask said the violence that left 129 people dead can't go unpunished. The statement said, “That's why Anonymous activists from all over the world will hunt you down.

Anonymous threatened "Yes, you the vermin, who kill innocent victims. We will hunt you down like we did to those who carried out the attacks on Charlie Hebdo."

So get ready for a massive reaction from Anonymous. Know that we will find you and we will never let up. We are going to launch the biggest ever operation against you. Expect very many cyber-attacks. War is declared. Prepare yourselves.

Finally, they declared "The French people are stronger than you and will come out of this atrocity even stronger.”

In my opinion, due to the cyber world we live in, Anonymous may be important on fighting the terrorist war, actually since today the have hacked many social media accounts from the Islamic state.

News: Charlie Sheen Says He Has H.I.V. and Has Paid Millions to Keep It Secret

Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen has revealed in a TV interview with NBC that he is HIV positive. Sheen said he learned about the diagnosis four years ago but said it was “a hard three letters to absorb”.

The 50 year-old actor rose to fame in Hollywood in the 1980s but is best known for his portrayal of Charlie Harper on U.S. comedy series "Two and a Half Men”. This role made him the highest paid actor on TV until he was fired in 2011 for debaucherous behaviour. 

Asked on NBC whether he had transmitted HIV to anyone, the actor said it was "impossible," although he admitted that he was "not entirely" aware of how he contracted the virus.

Sheen has struggled with drug addiction in the past and has admitted to sleeping with prostitutes. His doctor told the programme that Sheen does not have AIDS. The actor claimed that people who knew his HIV-positive status had extorted money from him to keep it secret. He said it cost him millions.

He proclaimed he would stop paying people now that his HIV status was public saying, "I release myself from this prison today." Media speculation has been rife for weeks about the star's health. Sheen said he decided to go public with the personal news to put a stop to what he described as very harmful stories that were threatening the health of so many others. 

In my opinion, It's kinda shocking that Charlie has HIV and he paid to keep it secret. Because it is his problem and if he didn't want to make it public, he wouldn't have to pay for it. The lost of privacy is a thing that produces a hopeless feeling on me.

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2015

Your say: Never Mind the Bollocks, Here's the Sex Pistols

Never Mind the Bollocks was the first and only studio album by the punk band Sex Pistols. The album was released in the UK on October 28, 1977 by Virgin Records label immediately causing controversy over the inclusion of the word "Bollocks" in the title. This pretentious album is considered the wildest LP that rock 'n' roll had since then, the album has 12 very direct songs, with a very minimalistic sound,  which is crowned with a very acidic lyrics and an overwhelming invasion of sharp guitars.

Sex Pistols The disc opens with "Holidays in the Sun," a powerful theme that begins with a military march as a sonic warning about that the invasion is a reality, the second cut, "Bodies" is critic to abortion, "No Feelings" and "Liar" are two very visceral and crushing sound issues that devastate consciences with his lyrics, very angry and honest. "Good Save the Queen" is a hymn of all time, a very ambitious track, which leads to the continuity of "Problems" and thereupon to the youth of "Seventeen" . Then we find "Anarchy in the UK", "Submission" and "Pretty Vacant", three very enveloping songs and above all very emaciated, devastating reality by the Western world and the hopelessness of his youth. In the end we come to "New York" and "EMI", two important controversial songs.

Finally, I recommend this album to everyone even if you don't like punk it's a classical LP, a must-hear and essential to understand the evolution of the genre thorughtout the decades. Never Mind the Bollocks marked a turning point in music of the 20th century.

Your say: Beauty and subjectivity

First of all, we got to define beauty as an abstract notion linked to many aspects of human existence. This is mainly studied by the philosophical discipline of aesthetics, but is also addressed by other disciplines such as history, sociology and social psychology. As a consequence beauty is commonly defined as the characteristic of a thing through a sensory experience, which seeks a feeling of pleasure or a feeling of satisfaction. Therefore, In this sense, the beauty comes from events such as the shape, the visual appearance, movement and sound, although it is associated, to a lesser extent, the tastes and smells.

As we all know, beauty is an abstract concept that arises from the appreciation of a given viewer, so what some individual considers "beautiful" may not be "beautiful" for another spectator, it is the view of the observer (influenced by the socio-cultural skills , ideological, environmental, etc.) from which beauty is determined. And it is subjective as opposed to objective, because it can't be measured or calculated.

In conclusion, that's why I think that beauty can be found in every corner of the world if one only knows how to find it, because it's based on a subjective opinion which differs from that of any other individual.

Your say: One flew over the cuckoo's nest.

To begin with, One flew over the cuckoo's nest is a classical drama film in which the foremost thing is onscreen battle between Jack Nicholson and Louise Fletcher which represents the culture wars of the 1970s and testament to the director's vision that the film retains its power more than three decades later.

Randle McMurphy (Jack Nicholson), a man convicted of assault, and a free spirit who lives crosscurrent, is detained in a mental hospital. The center inflexible discipline emphasizes its contagious tendency to disorder, which eventually triggering a war between patients and clinic staff with cold and severe Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher) to the head. The fate of every patient is at stake.

I loved how the Czech director, Milos Forman and Jack Nicholson addressed to the insanity as a concept, the dignity of the individual and the American Psychiatric complaint system. The movie's directing is great, the acting is outstanding, the script is captivating, and as a proof of that One flew over the cuckoo's nest is one of the few movies that gained the five main Oscars awards.

Finally, I recommend this movie to everyone, it's a must-watch classic which aged magnificently.

domingo, 18 de octubre de 2015

Mail about dreams

Hi Sonia,

I'm Michel Paris and this first time I'm writing this mail about my dreams and ambitions.

Dreams, everyone have dreams, some of them are easier to accomplish than others but in the end it doesn't even matter. Some things may be too complicated but all things are difficult before they are easy. However,  the important thing is to fight for them so they stop being dreams and they become reality. 

When I look to the future, I see my future self related to arts things and that's why I'm looking forward to study audiovisual communication. I'm not completely sure about what I want to be in the future, although a movie director or a videogames director sounds good to me. 

On the other hand I also like music and more or less It's been a year since the first piano class that I took. My goal is to be as good as Ray Manzarek from The doors or Jon Lord from Deep purple or even better! Nevertheless I know that's a very ambitious dream but Rome wasn't built in a day, and for me, giving up is not an option.

Finally I'd like to go to Japan, pass the advanced English test and I'd also like to take some Italian classes because I lived there when I was little. I'll carry on, everyday I'm a step closer to accomplish my dreams, so I'll keep swiming otherwise I'll be sinking like a stone. Therefore I'm sure that I can and I'll make them real.

Well, that's all I hope that now you know me a little better. 

See you in class.

jueves, 11 de junio de 2015

Final reflection

My final reflection of the whole course is that, I've improve my level of English but mainly because of the classes that I've been taking for the past years. Basically I think that I've improved everything step by step; reading, listening, writing,speaking...

Well, I think I'm pretty good at writing and listening activities, whereas in speaking I'm not bad but I can improve much more.

None of the activities we did in class are useful to learn English because I've studied things that I already knew, however I'm accostumed to learn English in reduced classes and for me, the blog stuff is a waste of time. I don't really know why but the way we tried to learn during this course wasn't effective.

Next year we can try something more scheduled.

lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

Oral presentation: Self evaluation

I think I did better than in the other terms because I've felt more comfortable with the subject although I got nervous as always.

I think I can improve my self confidence and I should do it, but the content of my presentations usually are quite good.

In conclusion from my point of view I've improved since the beginnig of the course, however there are little details I'd have to correct.

New: Germanwings crash: Co-pilot 'treated for depression'

The investigation carried out about the plane crash have come to the conclusion that the co-pilot barred the pilot in the toilet and according to the "black box" data he acomplish his desire of destroy the plane.

Andrea Lubitz suffered from depression and because of that he received treatment during a year and a half. The airline recommended the co-pilot to take psycological treatment.

The german media found some evidence of mental health problem in Andrea's flat.

The police added that they have found very significant clues to what happened but it haven't been specyfied.

Andrea's parents were shocked for their son's death because he probably was the provoker on many people's death.

Finally some airlines decide that in the cockpit must be at least two crew members.

New words:

 -Cockpit: a space in the forward body of an airplane containing the flying controls and seat for the pilot.
-Barred: a long, evenly shaped piece of some solid substance, as metal or wood, used esp. as a safeguard or obstruction.
-Debris: the remains of something destroyed

Your say: Piracy (Videogames)

Piracy is to get something illegally either downloading or buying it in a store at a lower price, in this case a video game.

Fist of all, what I feel about it? I think that at a time is good but also bad .We all had that game we wanted to buy but did not have enough money and we opted to it download illegally .¿How this affects me? if we see it from our point of view this does not affect us at all but it has one problem and it's that we cannot play online (However I've only done it with a few games) .¿Did it affect someone? Unfortunately Yes. But Who? businesses .Why businesses? because as the money does not reach the companies they cannot carry on making games.

 Obviously the blame is not only on pirates it's also the fault of the businesses, it may seem odd or illogical but for me the main problem are the high prices of the games, because a large majority can't afford to pay a set of  70 € although there are platforms like Steam that allows you to buy these games at a lower price digitally .Is the same way to buy via a digital shop ? The only problem is that you don't have the box but the content is exactly the same.

In conclusion, piracy is almost impossible to stop and even with the high prices of video games while the problem includes not only this industry but also to the music and film too. I think the price should be lower as it would benefit both them and us.

New: $17 million in cocaine accidentally shipped to German supermarket chain

Berlin police have seized 380 kilograms of cocaine concealed in a shipment of bananas – the largest ever drug find in the German capital. Employees at a discount supermarket contacted police saying they had found what appeared to be drugs in some crates of bananas.

Concealed beneath the fruit, drug investigation officers discovered around 12 green packets per crate, each containing a kilogram of cocaine. The drug-filled crates were found in 10 discount branches in the capital and could be traced back to one central fruit market. But police said that they had not yet ascertained where they had come from.

The find echoes an instant in January 2014 when boxes filled with bananas and 140 kilograms of cocaine were delivered to five Berlin supermarkets in what police called a logistical error by drug smugglers.

New words:
-Grocery: food and other commodities sold by a grocer.
-Conceal: To hide something.
-Crate: a wooden box made of slats.

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015

Your say: Racism

Racism is infused with fear, so that fear makes them to be afraid or to hate a different society to theirs.

Today this is called racism, which starts when the difference, real or imaginary is to always justifying an aggression. An attack based on the failure to understand the other, the inability to accept difference and notching dialogue, and is the belief that some people are superior to others simply because of their belonging to a specific "race". Racists define race as a group of people that share a common ancestry. Distinguish races under physical characteristics such as skin color and appearance of hair. Actually, it does not matter any clearer and, above all, no relevant difference because we are made of the same things and after all we all come from the same place.

The word "racism" is also used to describe abusive or aggressive behavior towards members of an "inferior race". Racism takes many forms in different countries according to their history, culture and other social factors. A relatively new form of racism sometimes called "ethnic or cultural differentiation" says that all races and cultures are equal but they should not be mixed, in order to preserve its originality. Biology has only determined a single race: the human race.

New: Sepp Blatter to resign as Fifa president after 17 years in role

Sepp Blatter has resigned as FIFA president in the face of a corruption investigation that has plunged world soccer's governing body into the worst crisis in its history. Blatter, who is 79, announced the decision at a news conference in Zurich, six days after the FBI raided a hotel in the city and arrested several FIFA officials, and just four days after he was re-elected to a fifth term as president.

FIFA, which has been ruled over by Blatter since 1998, was rocked this week by the announcement of a US-led investigation into alleged widespread financial wrongdoing stretching back for years. Swiss authorities mounted their own criminal probe into the award of the 2018 and 2022 World Cups to Russia and Qatar.

While Blatter was not mentioned in either the U.S. or Swiss investigations, there were widespread calls for him to quit, mostly from Western nations. Some major sponsors also expressed misgivings about the impact of the scandal.

Blatter said that an election to choose a new FIFA president would be held as soon as possible.

New words:
-Broom: a tool for sweeping, made up of a brush on a long handle.
-Bribery: the art of practice of giving or accepting a bribe.
-Depleted: to decrease badly.

viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

Your say: Tiger mosquito

Aedes albopictus or (Asian) tiger mosquito is capable of transmitting a bite of 22 viruses including dengue, yellow fever and West Nile virus
Its most notable feature is its morphological black body with white stripes (head, abdomen and legs. The strength of their eggs (survive drying and cooling) allows human use globalization to reach further. Among other places, their eggs can travel on used tires or in bamboo flower pots.

Sociological and anthropological studies conducted in Italy, reveal that in some areas reached to change people's habits. People have removed some outdoor activities because of the bite. And urban areas are ideal for installation.
These studies also indicate that residential areas are ideals ecosystems for tiger mosquito, because these are plenty of gardens so the insect uses any container with water to reproduce.

Well, I think that the tiger mosquito spread is a serious business because it's an invasive species and it can provoke some devastating illnesses into humans. There are many ways to prevent the bites, but for me, the most effective ones are to wear more clothes although in summer it's kinda difficult and the other that can make mosquitos harder to get in your house and it's to install nets in the windows.

A student with a blacklist

The 20th of April a thirteen year-old student of the high school Joan Fuster killed a teacher with a crossbow, the murderer was equipped with multiple weapons. He broke the law in many ways but he can't be judged because of his age. Due to this incident is something wrong with our security? Are we able to improve it?

Obviously there's a problem with the high school's security and there are many options. I think metal detectors could be the solution but it has some weak points because there are some weapons that are made of wood or other materials that cannot be detected.

We can also improve our security by teaching morality values to the students or applying a measures to know how they are mentally.

Changing the law due to this incident could be a good idea, probably the teenage knew beforehand that he wouldn't be punished.

In conclusion there isn't only one way to solve this delicate issue but we must do something to know how to avoid or at least handle this kind of situation in the future.

Review: Seven Samurai

Seven samurai is an epic adventure classic with an engrossing story, memorable characters, and stunning action sequences that makes it one of the most influential films ever made.

The action takes place in Japan in the sixteenth century. The inhabitants of a village of peasants, tired of being regularly attacked by a horde of bandits decide to do something about it. The village elder member suggests hiring samurai to defend them. After several failed attempts to find samurai willing to fight only in exchange for food, found one called Kanbei, who decides to help. Thanks to Kanbei, get together a group of seven samurai who defend the town more for their courage and ethics by two daily handfuls of rice offered to them.

I loved the realism and authenticity of the film. Compared with today's cinema is a very long movie but no scene is priceless. Another strong point is the characterization and stories of each of the seven samurais.

Definitely Seven Samurai is one of the best films ever made, if you haven't seen it you don't really know what cinema is.

domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015

New: Mexico insists 43 missing students are dead.

A policeman has shot dead a teenage boy during an anti-government protest in Venezuela.
Chaotic scenes broke out in the western city of San Cristobal, as 20 people clashed with police in a demonstration over political unrest and the country's worsening economic crisis.

But a 14-year-old boy was caught up in the violence, and a police officer has confessed to shooting him with a rubber bullet.

The head of the citizen security said the teen died in confusing circumstances and the police officer has been arrested.

The Venezuelan president has also condemned the violence.

“Some policemen went past there. A fight broke out, the police said they were surrounded and attacked with stones, and one of the police fired his shotgun and this boy was killed. I condemn this killing and I order an investigation in the capture of those responsible. This is how it happened and those responsible for this killing are behind bars.”

Officials said the boy died on his way to hospital.

3 new words:
- Attorney: a person legally appointed or empowered to act for another.
-Allege: to declare in or asif in a court of law; state without or before proof.
-Rubbish: worthless, useless or unwanted matter.

Self-evaluation of the oral presentation.

I couldn't upload the video to the net. But I'll self evaluate myself because obviously it's the most important part of the post.

First of all I got nervous, and I read my script although I've studied it. About the content of the presentation I think it wasn't a wide range content about the country of South Africa, we should have talked more about the history.

Finally I think I did well, It could be better if I'd had been more quiet. I hope next time I'll be able to eradicate my failures.

New: Police Kill Boy During Protest in Venezuela

A policeman has shot dead a teenage boy during an anti-government protest in Venezuela.

Chaotic scenes broke out in the western city of San Cristobal, as 20 people clashed with police in a demonstration over political unrest and the country's worsening economic crisis.

But a 14-year-old boy was caught up in the violence, and a police officer has confessed to shooting him with a rubber bullet.

The head of the citizen security said the teen died in confusing circumstances and the police officer has been arrested.

The Venezuelan president has also condemned the violence.

Some policemen went past there. A fight broke out, the police said they were surrounded and attacked with stones, and one of the police fired his shotgun and this boy was killed. I condemn this killing and I order an investigation in the capture of those responsible. This is how it happened and those responsible for this killing are behind bars.”

Officials said the boy died on his way to hospital.

3 new words:

-Restive: Unwilling to undergo control or delay.
-Pellet: a small round ball of compressed matter.
-Rack: a framework for holding, carrying, or displaying a specific load or object


Review: Pulp fiction

Pulp fiction is a film that thriller, crime, and intertwined history. It should be noted that history is cluttered and has a message that depends on the interpretation of the viewer.

Jules and Vincent, two murderers paid work for Marsellus Wallace. Jules Vincent confesses that Marsellus has asked him to take care of Mia, his wife. Jules recommends caution because it is very dangerous exceeded the boss's girlfriend. When the time comes to work, both must get down to work. Their mission: to retrieve a mysterious briefcase.

I loved all of pulp fiction, the acting which was totally awesome I highlight the Samuel L Jakcson's perfomance, the dialogues , strange situations, the way in which the story is told and the soundtrack too.

For me this film has no noticeable negatives, it's a movie that I recommend to lovers of classic cinema and cult cinema.

Describing a picture.

New: Leonard Nimoy died.

Leonard Nimoy died the 27th of february at the age of 83 in Los Angeles. He was an well-known actor for his role as Mr. Spock in the famous series Star trek.
His wife confirmed that the cause of his death was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Last year the actor announced his disease, and he attributed it to several years of smoking, although he had given it up for a while.
Most recently, Nimoy played William Bell in “Fringe,” but he will be forever remembered for Spock’s calm nature, his face or neck pinch and his famous quote. “You live long and prosper.”
I think that's a mess losing such a good actor, no one will be able to replace him a Mr. Spock RIP.
3 new words:
-Half-Vulcan (the Vulcans were a fictional people on “Star Trek;” Mr. Spock was half Vulcan and half human)
-Neck pinch (to press on somebody’s neck and make him faint or collapse).
-Beloved: greatly loved.


Your say: Bullfighting

Bullfighting is a feast consisting deal bulls, on foot or horseback, in a sealed enclosure for this purpose, the bullring.

From my point of view, the bullfighting should be prohibited because of the suffering of a living being, because only an idiot can come up massively raise animals without any other purpose than his public torture, because even though the show is based on the philosophy of "noble" struggle of man against animal, the reality is that this is a rounding up of several thugs with knives against a defenseless animal, even though the bull could injure or kill one of them in this "noble" fight , they never recognize the bull's "victory", so they kill him anyways ...and there are many reasonings against bullfighting.

In conclusion, this bestiality should not exist, it is a form of entertainment that is against animal rights.

Your say: Freedom of expression

Nowadays many people are harassed or imprisoned for exercising their right to freedom of expression, without the ability to be heard, it is very difficult to defend the rights of others.

Thousands of activists, journalists, peaceful demonstrators, trade unionists, members of religious or ethnic minorities, etc. continue to be persecuted, threatened, imprisoned, tortured or killed for the sake of dissent.

However, Internet is used every day to speak out against power and to lobby for greater respect for human rights. In many different parts of the world, is fighting a crucial battle for control of access to information, media and network technology, while social networks fuel a new activism that governments are struggling to control. However, attempts by governments to block internet access or cut mobile phone networks are not getting away with the voices of protest from those who are fighting for their human rights. Repression may increase, but it seems that every time people are less afraid to express themselves freely.

In conclusion, I completely agree with the concept of freedom of the philosopher John Stuart Mill, that is to have total freedom less if it harms others.

Your say: Religion

A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems and worldviews that relate humanity to a type of existence. Many religions have narratives, symbols and sacred stories that attempt to explain the meaning of life and explain the origin of life or the universe. From their beliefs about the cosmos and human nature, people can derive a moral, ethical or religious laws or preferred lifestyle.

From my perspective, I do not believe in things that can not be proved so I'm atheist. Furthermore, religions also suffer contradictions as how can a woman can give birth and being a virgin at the same time? we all know it's impossible. I think religion is simply a baseless moral support for those who are not strong enough to go on without believing in anything.

Your say: Why do people think anime is only for children?

Anime is a style of animation from Japan. The anime is a means of great expansion in Japan, while being a product of commercial and cultural entertainment, which has caused a cultural phenomenon in masses and a form of technological art. The themes and genres ranging anime can be love, adventure, science fiction, literature, sports, horror, fantasy, eroticism among others.

The problem is that many people because of ignorance associate anime with children cartoon but in fact it's the opposite (it is true that genres like Shonen which is equivalent to the action genre, and they are aimed at a younger audience and plots aren't that complex). But genres like Seinen relate their frames with violence, politics and sex (with complex plots).

In conclusion animes are stereotyped but once you get into the subject you will meet an excellent medium for storytelling.

Your say: Immigration

It is undeniable that the difference in culture causes social tensions, but everyone should know that those who come are the least education have, for those with education and culture remain in their countries (though not always). Besides the lack of jobs, overpopulation of cities, crime ... are problems and foreigners are not their fault.

First of all I think that every human being has the right to aspire to a better life, not because someone was born in a poor country has to live a miserable and difficult life, it is normal for people to go where more opportunities are. Moreover rich countries are protected, because they are afraid that immigration could cause economics problems. Build walls, more cops, but nothing can stop the going and coming of human beings.

In conclusion I think that if they want to avoid immigration they should generate jobs in good conditions, improve the education, offer better services, eradicate corruption...