domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015

Summary: The key to success? Grit

Angela Lee Duckworth left a very demanded job for a more demanding job: Teaching. So she teached maths to seventh graders, then she realized that some of the smartest students weren't doing well and some of the best performers didn't have the highest IQ. After several years of teaching Angela realized that they need a much better understanding of students and teachers and if we do well in studies and in life it depends on much more than IQ. 

Then Angela became a psychologist and in every study she asked herself the same question: Who is successful here and why?.After studying many situations one characterisitic emerged as a significant predictor of success: grit.
Grit is the perseverance to achieve long-term goals. Grit matters in everything, so school isn't a exception because according to a study she made, gritter students are more likely to graduate.

The problem is that nowadays we still don't know how to build grit. We know that talent doesn't make us gritty. Angela things that the best way to build grit in kids (so far) is "growth mindset" which means that the ability to learn isn't fixed that it can change with effort. So basically, she means that the key to success is being gritty and we can achieve it with effort.

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