domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015

Your say: Immigration

It is undeniable that the difference in culture causes social tensions, but everyone should know that those who come are the least education have, for those with education and culture remain in their countries (though not always). Besides the lack of jobs, overpopulation of cities, crime ... are problems and foreigners are not their fault.

First of all I think that every human being has the right to aspire to a better life, not because someone was born in a poor country has to live a miserable and difficult life, it is normal for people to go where more opportunities are. Moreover rich countries are protected, because they are afraid that immigration could cause economics problems. Build walls, more cops, but nothing can stop the going and coming of human beings.

In conclusion I think that if they want to avoid immigration they should generate jobs in good conditions, improve the education, offer better services, eradicate corruption...

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