domingo, 8 de marzo de 2015

New: Mexico insists 43 missing students are dead.

A policeman has shot dead a teenage boy during an anti-government protest in Venezuela.
Chaotic scenes broke out in the western city of San Cristobal, as 20 people clashed with police in a demonstration over political unrest and the country's worsening economic crisis.

But a 14-year-old boy was caught up in the violence, and a police officer has confessed to shooting him with a rubber bullet.

The head of the citizen security said the teen died in confusing circumstances and the police officer has been arrested.

The Venezuelan president has also condemned the violence.

“Some policemen went past there. A fight broke out, the police said they were surrounded and attacked with stones, and one of the police fired his shotgun and this boy was killed. I condemn this killing and I order an investigation in the capture of those responsible. This is how it happened and those responsible for this killing are behind bars.”

Officials said the boy died on his way to hospital.

3 new words:
- Attorney: a person legally appointed or empowered to act for another.
-Allege: to declare in or asif in a court of law; state without or before proof.
-Rubbish: worthless, useless or unwanted matter.

Self-evaluation of the oral presentation.

I couldn't upload the video to the net. But I'll self evaluate myself because obviously it's the most important part of the post.

First of all I got nervous, and I read my script although I've studied it. About the content of the presentation I think it wasn't a wide range content about the country of South Africa, we should have talked more about the history.

Finally I think I did well, It could be better if I'd had been more quiet. I hope next time I'll be able to eradicate my failures.

New: Police Kill Boy During Protest in Venezuela

A policeman has shot dead a teenage boy during an anti-government protest in Venezuela.

Chaotic scenes broke out in the western city of San Cristobal, as 20 people clashed with police in a demonstration over political unrest and the country's worsening economic crisis.

But a 14-year-old boy was caught up in the violence, and a police officer has confessed to shooting him with a rubber bullet.

The head of the citizen security said the teen died in confusing circumstances and the police officer has been arrested.

The Venezuelan president has also condemned the violence.

Some policemen went past there. A fight broke out, the police said they were surrounded and attacked with stones, and one of the police fired his shotgun and this boy was killed. I condemn this killing and I order an investigation in the capture of those responsible. This is how it happened and those responsible for this killing are behind bars.”

Officials said the boy died on his way to hospital.

3 new words:

-Restive: Unwilling to undergo control or delay.
-Pellet: a small round ball of compressed matter.
-Rack: a framework for holding, carrying, or displaying a specific load or object


Review: Pulp fiction

Pulp fiction is a film that thriller, crime, and intertwined history. It should be noted that history is cluttered and has a message that depends on the interpretation of the viewer.

Jules and Vincent, two murderers paid work for Marsellus Wallace. Jules Vincent confesses that Marsellus has asked him to take care of Mia, his wife. Jules recommends caution because it is very dangerous exceeded the boss's girlfriend. When the time comes to work, both must get down to work. Their mission: to retrieve a mysterious briefcase.

I loved all of pulp fiction, the acting which was totally awesome I highlight the Samuel L Jakcson's perfomance, the dialogues , strange situations, the way in which the story is told and the soundtrack too.

For me this film has no noticeable negatives, it's a movie that I recommend to lovers of classic cinema and cult cinema.

Describing a picture.

New: Leonard Nimoy died.

Leonard Nimoy died the 27th of february at the age of 83 in Los Angeles. He was an well-known actor for his role as Mr. Spock in the famous series Star trek.
His wife confirmed that the cause of his death was chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Last year the actor announced his disease, and he attributed it to several years of smoking, although he had given it up for a while.
Most recently, Nimoy played William Bell in “Fringe,” but he will be forever remembered for Spock’s calm nature, his face or neck pinch and his famous quote. “You live long and prosper.”
I think that's a mess losing such a good actor, no one will be able to replace him a Mr. Spock RIP.
3 new words:
-Half-Vulcan (the Vulcans were a fictional people on “Star Trek;” Mr. Spock was half Vulcan and half human)
-Neck pinch (to press on somebody’s neck and make him faint or collapse).
-Beloved: greatly loved.


Your say: Bullfighting

Bullfighting is a feast consisting deal bulls, on foot or horseback, in a sealed enclosure for this purpose, the bullring.

From my point of view, the bullfighting should be prohibited because of the suffering of a living being, because only an idiot can come up massively raise animals without any other purpose than his public torture, because even though the show is based on the philosophy of "noble" struggle of man against animal, the reality is that this is a rounding up of several thugs with knives against a defenseless animal, even though the bull could injure or kill one of them in this "noble" fight , they never recognize the bull's "victory", so they kill him anyways ...and there are many reasonings against bullfighting.

In conclusion, this bestiality should not exist, it is a form of entertainment that is against animal rights.

Your say: Freedom of expression

Nowadays many people are harassed or imprisoned for exercising their right to freedom of expression, without the ability to be heard, it is very difficult to defend the rights of others.

Thousands of activists, journalists, peaceful demonstrators, trade unionists, members of religious or ethnic minorities, etc. continue to be persecuted, threatened, imprisoned, tortured or killed for the sake of dissent.

However, Internet is used every day to speak out against power and to lobby for greater respect for human rights. In many different parts of the world, is fighting a crucial battle for control of access to information, media and network technology, while social networks fuel a new activism that governments are struggling to control. However, attempts by governments to block internet access or cut mobile phone networks are not getting away with the voices of protest from those who are fighting for their human rights. Repression may increase, but it seems that every time people are less afraid to express themselves freely.

In conclusion, I completely agree with the concept of freedom of the philosopher John Stuart Mill, that is to have total freedom less if it harms others.

Your say: Religion

A religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems and worldviews that relate humanity to a type of existence. Many religions have narratives, symbols and sacred stories that attempt to explain the meaning of life and explain the origin of life or the universe. From their beliefs about the cosmos and human nature, people can derive a moral, ethical or religious laws or preferred lifestyle.

From my perspective, I do not believe in things that can not be proved so I'm atheist. Furthermore, religions also suffer contradictions as how can a woman can give birth and being a virgin at the same time? we all know it's impossible. I think religion is simply a baseless moral support for those who are not strong enough to go on without believing in anything.

Your say: Why do people think anime is only for children?

Anime is a style of animation from Japan. The anime is a means of great expansion in Japan, while being a product of commercial and cultural entertainment, which has caused a cultural phenomenon in masses and a form of technological art. The themes and genres ranging anime can be love, adventure, science fiction, literature, sports, horror, fantasy, eroticism among others.

The problem is that many people because of ignorance associate anime with children cartoon but in fact it's the opposite (it is true that genres like Shonen which is equivalent to the action genre, and they are aimed at a younger audience and plots aren't that complex). But genres like Seinen relate their frames with violence, politics and sex (with complex plots).

In conclusion animes are stereotyped but once you get into the subject you will meet an excellent medium for storytelling.

Your say: Immigration

It is undeniable that the difference in culture causes social tensions, but everyone should know that those who come are the least education have, for those with education and culture remain in their countries (though not always). Besides the lack of jobs, overpopulation of cities, crime ... are problems and foreigners are not their fault.

First of all I think that every human being has the right to aspire to a better life, not because someone was born in a poor country has to live a miserable and difficult life, it is normal for people to go where more opportunities are. Moreover rich countries are protected, because they are afraid that immigration could cause economics problems. Build walls, more cops, but nothing can stop the going and coming of human beings.

In conclusion I think that if they want to avoid immigration they should generate jobs in good conditions, improve the education, offer better services, eradicate corruption...

Your say: Stupid things people think about metal.

Many people have a misconception of Metal, they think that this genre worships satan (only a minor part of Black metal does), some of them think that it is an easy genre to play because it's just noise (to reach to play songs in this genre will take several years of practice) and of course, some people think that the Metal facilitates drug use when in fact it is quite the opposite.

First of all many of the songs have a protest lyrics such as the well known group System of a Down, SOAD that manifests again many issues such as child pornography, genocide, war, the predominance of interest materialists in this society ... etc.

As I mentioned a topic is that people think that this makes easier to get into drug but actually songs like Master of Puppets metallica criticizes addiction.

I think in our society is a very stereotypical Metal genre. Despite all the criticism without cause is a wonderful musical style that many of us are still enjoying it.