miércoles, 3 de diciembre de 2014

Self-evaluation of the oral presentation

Unfortunatly I don't have the video, I think our oral presentation was quite goob but the next time I should read less my script and I was very nervous, so I need to be more confident.

Fairy Tale

Once upon a time in a town called Fiore, lived a famous and feared sorcerer named Geralt, who was the bodyguard of the present king. At that time there was a war, the main objective was to protect the sorcerer king of all threats. When meeting surrounded decided to cross the bridge when suddenly a dragon appreciated, even though Geralt was very powerful, the monster was challenging but it could spell defeat. Upon entering a room, they were apparently safe when out of nowhere a man appears from behind the king and kills him. The room was filled with soldiers and everything looked the sorcerer betrayed his majesty.
Hours after the witch was taken to prison where he was forced to confess to a crime he never committed. It appeared that Geralt would be executed when out of nowhere the handcuffs were released and the cell was opened, several magicians set out to free him because they knew he was innocent. After the escape along with its allies decided to investigate who had ruined his life and had been used to blame him for a crime I did not commit.
By asking several people I draw the conclusion that a group of mercenaries hired by some elves were responsible for the murder of the king.

After a few days, Geralt set trip to the land of the elf's to get his vengeance. He crossed hell on earth to satisfy his willing of vengeance. After 1 week travelling on foot, he arrived to the Elf's town, but it was still 11 a.m, so Geralt waited to atack secretly at night. He took a rest at his camp, and after 9 hours he woke up. He had a plan, and it was pretty simple: Distract a guard, kill him, grab his clothes and head towards the king's palace. It worked perfectly and at 1 a.m Geralt was already at the palace's door, but he prefered to climb through the windows, to no get the others alerted. At 3 am he found the king, sleeping at his bedroom. Geralt stabbed him in the back, and escaped running as fast as he could, but the guards saw their king's dead body, so they alerted everyone. The gates got closed and Geralt have no choice, but fight. After a large battle, a arrow got through his chest, and he felt down immediately, while the other guards started to rip off his body. They sent Geralt's head to Fiore, and the war got even worse...

New: Mexican comedian Chespirito dead at 85

The comedian, actor, screenwriter and TV director Roberto Gomez Boraño, also known as "Chespirito" died last friday in Cancun at the age of 85.
He was well known for El Chapulin Colorado, El Chavo del ocho...
The mexican comedian had been suffering various health problems.
When his health problems started to get worse, he moved to Cancun and there he used to be in public with his fans. Later on he sat on a wheelchair and aided by a breathing apparatus.
After the announcement of his death, the mexican president paid a tribute to the comedian, saying that the country "has lost whose work trascended generations and borders".
In my opinion, It's really sad to lose a great comedian such as him.

Mingling: To mix or cause to mix.

Borders: A band or margin around or along the edge of something.
Run without oil, means that he could was having problems.

New: Bill Cosby sued for alleged under-age sexual abuse

Judy Huth acusses Bill Cosby of sexual assault when she was 15.
That's not  Cosby's first accusation of sexual assualt on women.
  Huth says that the comedian took her to the Playboy mansion in Los Angeles and Cosby told her to lie about her age.
   Judy met him on a film set and later on they drank alcohol and then they went to the Mansion where she was forced to have sex. She says that the incident caused her "Psycological damage and mental anguish".
In my opinion, I don't know if he forced her to have sex but it's not the first time this has happened. It's suspicious because he hasn't just been accused once or twice, but more than a dozen times...
  Lawsuit: A case in a court of law involving one party against another.
  Trustees: One whose job is to administer the affairs of a company
  Defamatory: Injurious to someone's name or reputation.(related)

New: A Most Violent Year named best film by National Board of Review

A Most violent year is a crime drama set in the 80s, it has been named film of the year by National Board of review, and it also won acting prizes.
Birdman, Boyhood, American Sniper and How to train your dragon 2 picked up awards, some of them at the National Board of review and at the Gotham Independent film awards. 
 Julian Moore was honoured for her work in Still Alice. 
 Next 6 of January will be NBR's annual gala where actors, directors, screenwriters... will have the opportunity to pick up awards.
 In my opinion, I don't know if they deserved all those prizes, but I have high expectations of Birdman because of its stars. 
 Breakthrought: An act or instance of removing or getting passed a barrier. 
 Grappling: To cope or contend.
Eclectic: Selecting or made up of elements from various sources.

Your say: Fast food

Everybody eats fast food at least one in their lifetime. And for some it's a way of life.

There are some advantages: it's cheap, fast, convenient and it usually taste good.

The problem is that it's highly addictive and not good for your health. Fast food usually contains a high amount of salt and sugar which can cause series illness if eaten over a long period of time. Illnesses such as high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity.

In conclusion can be eaten but like everything else, only in moderation. I think being too obsessive about food isn't good but we need to look after our health.

Your say: Euthanasia

 Euthanasia is the term used when someone searches for death to end a life that has become full of  intolerable suffering, because the patient does not want to continue living or because life has become so low that no condition chould be considered worthy.
 Everyone is autonomous and has the right to decide their life. For the person, as a patient, you have the duty in making medical decisions concerning him.
 Our society is based on the protection of human rights. 
Everyone has the right to decide on all matters that relate to your body, obviously also if you want to stay alive or not.
 Life, under certain conditions, can become worthless; such as in a condition that would violate the right to human dignity.  There is no reason to accept a limited form of existence, in which  family and friends become carers for people therby sacrificing their own lives for someone who does not want to live.  
A life that cannot be lived is not a privilege, it is a punishment. This makes the human being just a case of interest. It is not fair to subject the man to painful situations, when you have the power to relieve it.  
In conclusion, any of us should be able to access euthanasia when you are in a dseriously difficult situation because otherwise it would affect our human rights.

Your say: Clonation

With the advancement of technology today we can concider the cloning of a human being. It is a very difficult ethical question.
To start with, these embryonic stem cells have been cannibalizing cloned human embryos, a process that involves their destruction. 
  We all know that cloned mammalian embryos are abnormal because they grow like normal adults.
 It took 227 attempts to create Dolly the sheep, which was ill and soon died. 
  The primary way in which these eggs are achieved is ovarian hyperstimulation, which is associated with serious health risks both in the short and long term. 
  In conclusion, I think that cloning should not be legal in the individual but perhaps for future investigation.

Your say: Abortion

Abortion is a taboo in our society, and is highly debatable because there are solid arguments on both sides.
I think abortion should be illegal for several reasons but mainly because it could be considered murder although this is not the only argument. 
 In our society there is no law allowing harm to another individual so putting a child up for adoption is a viable option as an abortion may give you medical complications in later life and should not be used as a method of contraception.
There very good arguments for abortion, one of them is to eradicate backstreet abortions.
In conclusion, this is a very contentious issue and have given more arguments against it because I think they are more solid than those in favour.

Your say: Do video games make us violent?

Do video games make us violent? That is a question many people ask. When governments think that a video game has crossed a certain line, they censor it, but is it really necessary to prohibit the distribution of certain games?

First of all I think that video games do not affect our behavior, and in fact, many studies have concluded that do not affect our behavior.

Secondly each person has to be smart enough not to be so badly influenced by what you see on a screen.

In conclusion, I think that the manifestation of violence is caused by mental or personal problems rather than by playing video games.

Your say: Death Penalty

A fairly debatable issue is the one for or against the death penalty. There are countries that have adopted it and others that haven't.
From my point of view I think we should not have the death penalty for a few reasons.
The first is that I think the best punishment is life imprisonment because the criminal is going to have to be in a cell in which you can reflect on what he has done to the day he dies.
The second is that it is possible that the convicted person is not guilty and if he could be sentenced to a punishment from which there is no return.
In conclusion I believe that life imprisonment is a much fairer judgment than the death penalty, the only flaw I see is the budget to maintain the inmate.

Watchmen (comic) Review

This is a story that reflects contemporany anxiety and a critic against the concept of superheroes.
Rorschach one of the few active superheroes, decides to investigate a comedian's murder. Rorschach thinks about a killing conspiracy against the dressed up watchmen, so he warns 4 of his old partners: Dan Dreigberg, Dr. Manhattan, Laurie Juspyzeck and Adrien Veidt.
I loved the plot and the characters, above all the main one, Rorschach. What I most like of Rorchach is his personality and his design, he has a mask that remains the Rorschah test. The setting was really good, it's in a alternate reality that reflects accurately the contemporary world of the decade of the 80s. It modified the Vietnam war and the presidency of Nixon.
For me, there aren't negative points in Moore's graphic novel.
In my opinion, Watchemn is a masterpiece, a must read comic.

domingo, 5 de octubre de 2014

Email to my teacher

My name is Michel, I’m fifteen and I was born in Uruguay and when I was me and my parents moved to Italy and three years later we finally came to Spain. My favorite kinds of music are Rock and Rap, but I also enjoy watching TV shows, movies and animes and sometimes I read some comics. I really like sports such as basketball and soccer although I like individual sports too.

As an English student I’ve passed PET this year with an 82% I think that’s a good mark and If I strain maybe I’ll be able to pass First certificate soon.  I’ve been taking English classes since 2010/2011 more or less and fortunately I’ve been to NY and Toronto with my parents, I loved the trip.